Libya's central bank halts operations after director kidnapped

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2024-08-18 20:07:01

11 bodies of migrants who were trying to reach Italy recovered off Libya

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2024-06-08 19:07:50

Dust storm turns sky apocalyptic orange, red over Greece, Libya

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2024-04-24 00:06:46

At least 65 migrant bodies found in Libya mass grave, says UN

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2024-03-22 19:10:26

60 migrants die in dinghy in Med, survivors say

Shipwreck survivors tell rescuers they had set sail from Libya a week earlier.
2024-03-14 23:06:34

Libya floods: The flawed response that increased Derna death toll

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2023-10-10 11:28:34

Tunisian leader sparks outrage by claiming 'Zionist movement' behind naming of storm that battered Libya

Tunisian leader Kais Saied has claimed that the "Zionist movement" was behind the naming of Storm Daniel, which brought on massive floods that killed thousands of people in Libya last week, prompting outrage and accusations of antisemitism.
2023-09-20 18:30:10

Libya flood: Derna mayor's house burnt down in protests

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2023-09-19 14:06:06

Libya flood: Derna mayor's house burnt down in protests

Derna's mayor is targeted a week after devastating floods many residents blame on incompetence.
2023-09-19 14:06:00

Libya floods: The bodies left unrecognisable by disaster

Post Content
2023-09-18 04:43:43

Libya: Greek rescuers among those killed in road collision

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2023-09-18 04:40:11

Libya: Greek rescuers among those killed in road collision

Members of a Libyan family also died in the crash and several other people were seriously injured.
2023-09-18 04:30:57

Libya floods: The bodies left unrecognisable by disaster

Doctors are struggling to identify the remains which have been found as the death toll rises.
2023-09-18 04:30:53

Libya floods: 'All that's left is rubble and dirt and destruction'

The BBC's Anna Foster describes the devastation in the Libyan city of Derna after floods a week ago.
2023-09-17 15:39:44

The Libyan city that's become a barren wasteland with a smell of death

With lives in Libya washed away, anger mounts as people ask why they were told to stay at home.
2023-09-17 15:39:43

Libya flood: 'There's a smell of decay and death in the air'

The BBC's Anna Foster is in Libya, a week on from devastating floods in the region.
2023-09-16 19:59:36

Brighton relative of Libya flood victims says warnings failed

Post Content
2023-09-15 17:17:19

'An unimaginable scene': Survivors describe Libya floods

Residents of Derna tell the BBC how they got out alive as floodwaters smashed through the city.
2023-09-15 05:21:46

'We knew ahead of time': A decade of turmoil left Libya unprepared for a catastrophic storm

Following a civil war and a political standoff that has lasted almost a decade, Libya is struggling to deal with a catastrophic flood that is believed to have killed at least 5,300 people and left over 10,000 missing in the country's northeast.
2023-09-15 04:25:42

What we know about the floods that killed thousands in Libya

Emergency teams are working to find survivors and retrieve bodies after a massive flood hit Libya's northeast three days ago, killing at least 8,000 people and leaving 10,000 missing.
2023-09-15 04:25:40

Protests erupt in Libya over contact with Israel

Libya's foreign minister is suspended because of talks with Israel, which Tripoli does not recognise.
2023-08-28 09:20:36

Why Pakistanis are taking the dangerous Libya route to Europe

Farhad and Touheed were among thousands paying huge sums to risk a perilous boat journey via Libya.
2023-08-01 13:47:48

Aging dams and missed warnings: A lethal mix of factors caused Africa's deadliest flood disaster

It started with a bang at 3 a.m. Monday as the residents of Derna were sleeping. One dam burst, then a second, sending a huge wave of water gushing down through the mountains towards the coastal Libyan city, killing thousands as entire neighborhoods were swept into the sea.
2023-09-15 04:25:38

Libya militias battle in Tripoli after commander's arrest

Fierce clashes kill 55 people as many families are left trapped in their homes in Tripoli.
2023-08-16 17:41:40


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