Supreme Court rules against Jan 6 riot obstruction charges

The court rules the charges must include proof that defendants tried to tamper with or destroy documents.
2024-06-28 19:07:40

Hong Kong convicts 14 activists of subversion in biggest security case

The court acquitted two other defendants, saying it "cannot be sure" that they were "parties to the scheme".
2024-05-30 10:11:15

Valószínűleg még a választás előtt kiderül, börtönbe kerül-e Donald Trump

Négy hónapon belül ítélet születhet Donald Trump Georgia államban indult büntetőjogi perében ? értesült a CNBC.
2023-09-06 23:36:34

Trump Georgia election case faces first major test

Ex-White House aide Mark Meadows wants the case moved to federal court. Other defendants could follow.
2023-08-28 23:32:46

Trump's time in Fulton County Jail will be brief. Others die waiting

The criminal justice system for most defendants in Fulton County is notoriously slow and dangerous.
2023-08-16 07:31:04

American woman charged in Bahamas in alleged murder-for-hire plot against her husband released on bail

American Lindsay Shiver, accused of conspiring to kill her husband with two co-defendants in the Bahamas, was granted bail of $100,000 by Bahamian Supreme Court Justice Cherly Grant Thompson on Wednesday.
2023-08-09 21:17:44


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